Monday, January 10, 2011

Why We Swing

by Cooper

I’m not going to spend a whole lot of time going into philosophical reasons for swinging, or even anthropological ones (though there are many for both) in this forum, because what I’ve found is that people tend to invent the philosophical and anthropological reasoning as a way of validating their chosen lifestyle. Buncha hypocrites! So instead, I’m focused more on why WE swing, the WE being my wife and myself. And we got into it for all the wrong reasons (according to most websites and books,) because we got into the lifestyle to fix something in our marriage.

WOAH! I know, right? Never become a swinger unless your relationship is perfect because swinging will magnify all your problems and blah blah snore… I’m sure there is a lot of validity to that, I’m SURE of it. Swinging has magnified problems, but again as this is a Why WE Swing story and not a Why THEY Swing, or Why ONE Swings, I can assure you that for us, swinging was the answer to a question that had been nagging us since the beginning of our lives together some 10 years before. Why do we want to fuck other people?

And from the looks of our friends and loved ones, we were not alone in this thought. Look at sitcoms on TV if you need more proof. I don’t think there’s a “fat guy/cute wife” sitcom out there that hasn’t done the “why did you look at that other girl, does she have something I don’t” plotline at some point in its run. We’re dishonest though, as a society, because we want so desperately for this to make him “the bad guy.” But don’t worry, ‘cuz they laugh and love their way through it, mostly giving a resounding assurance that “I love you and don’t need anyone else, honey…” AWWWWW…

… full article

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