If you have a question about The Lifestyle for CoupleDoingIt, email them atswingers@coupledoingit.com
Dear CoupleDoingIt,
We are a new to the swinging lifestyle and are just really starting to look into it deeply. However, in everything that we have read no one has touched upon the subject of STD’s. Our question to you is, are there any statistics regarding STD’s and the lifestyle? We love the thought of the lifestyle, but until we know more about this we are not really sure if it is worth the risk. Any info will help. Thanks for your time.
Hypochondriac Nymphomaniacs
Dear Hypochondriac Nymphomaniacs,
Until “swinger” is added as a checkbox on the US Census questionnaire, we will never have any kind of accurate statistics about ourselves as a community. What I can tell you is that the most recent STD studies from the Center for Disease Control state that most of the STD’s in the United States are found in high school and college age kids, low income African-American neighborhoods and the Gay community (summarized from various diseases). Swingers were nowhere on their list… In fact, I did a search for the word “swingers” on the CDC website and it came up with zero results. Not what you would expect if the swinger community were swimming with STDs.
In my research, I was only able to find one reported case of HIV being contracted through a "swinging" encounter. In 1986 two women in Minneapolis contracted HIV through repeated unprotected anal sex with two bi-sexual men who were IV drug users. This situation is hardly typical of normal swinger behavior. In fact, some people might argue as to whether this even counts as a “swinger related incident”, as the only thing that ties it to the swinging lifestyle is that the people involved apparently met at a swinger club, even though the actual sex act took place elsewhere. Still, I’d say that one documented incident in the past 20+ years in an extremely sexually active community is pretty fucking amazing! In addition, none of the countries in the world that have large numbers of legal swingers clubs have ever reported any increase in STD infections in the vicinity of swinging premises or in relation to swinging in general.
In my research, I was only able to find one reported case of HIV being contracted through a "swinging" encounter. In 1986 two women in Minneapolis contracted HIV through repeated unprotected anal sex with two bi-sexual men who were IV drug users. This situation is hardly typical of normal swinger behavior. In fact, some people might argue as to whether this even counts as a “swinger related incident”, as the only thing that ties it to the swinging lifestyle is that the people involved apparently met at a swinger club, even though the actual sex act took place elsewhere. Still, I’d say that one documented incident in the past 20+ years in an extremely sexually active community is pretty fucking amazing! In addition, none of the countries in the world that have large numbers of legal swingers clubs have ever reported any increase in STD infections in the vicinity of swinging premises or in relation to swinging in general.
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