Monday, January 10, 2011

Last Chance to Book Goddess Week 2011!

A message from Sherry, of LoveVoodoo Travel

Dear LoveVoodoo Nooz Readers,

I called the sales manager at Hedonism II today to see how many rooms we have left for Goddess week and found out that there are less than 35 still available! 245 have been sold. We have a group rate that is about 20% lower than the rate at the resort; however, that rate will go up on the 5th! That means you MUST book by this Tuesday to get the low rate! We also have a couple of Jacuzzi Suites left which are VERY cool! If you have been thinking about going, now is the time to make the decision.

To learn more about this event,view the activities schedule or see some of the people who are going, go to

Send me an email or give me a call with any questions you may have.

LoveVoodoo Travel

Ask CoupleDoingIt

Advice for Today's Swinger!

If you have a question about The Lifestyle for CoupleDoingIt, email them

Dear CoupleDoingIt,

We are a new to the swinging lifestyle and are just really starting to look into it deeply. However, in everything that we have read no one has touched upon the subject of STD’s. Our question to you is, are there any statistics regarding STD’s and the lifestyle? We love the thought of the lifestyle, but until we know more about this we are not really sure if it is worth the risk. Any info will help. Thanks for your time.


Hypochondriac Nymphomaniacs

Dear Hypochondriac Nymphomaniacs,
Until “swinger” is added as a checkbox on the US Census questionnaire, we will never have any kind of accurate statistics about ourselves as a community. What I can tell you is that the most recent STD studies from the Center for Disease Control state that most of the STD’s in the United States are found in high school and college age kids, low income African-American neighborhoods and the Gay community (summarized from various diseases). Swingers were nowhere on their list… In fact, I did a search for the word “swingers” on the CDC website and it came up with zero results. Not what you would expect if the swinger community were swimming with STDs.
In my research, I was only able to find one reported case of HIV being contracted through a "swinging" encounter. In 1986 two women in Minneapolis contracted HIV through repeated unprotected anal sex with two bi-sexual men who were IV drug users. This situation is hardly typical of normal swinger behavior. In fact, some people might argue as to whether this even counts as a “swinger related incident”, as the only thing that ties it to the swinging lifestyle is that the people involved apparently met at a swinger club, even though the actual sex act took place elsewhere. Still, I’d say that one documented incident in the past 20+ years in an extremely sexually active community is pretty fucking amazing! In addition, none of the countries in the world that have large numbers of legal swingers clubs have ever reported any increase in STD infections in the vicinity of swinging premises or in relation to swinging in general.
In my research, I was only able to find one reported case of HIV being contracted through a "swinging" encounter. In 1986 two women in Minneapolis contracted HIV through repeated unprotected anal sex with two bi-sexual men who were IV drug users. This situation is hardly typical of normal swinger behavior. In fact, some people might argue as to whether this even counts as a “swinger related incident”, as the only thing that ties it to the swinging lifestyle is that the people involved apparently met at a swinger club, even though the actual sex act took place elsewhere. Still, I’d say that one documented incident in the past 20+ years in an extremely sexually active community is pretty fucking amazing! In addition, none of the countries in the world that have large numbers of legal swingers clubs have ever reported any increase in STD infections in the vicinity of swinging premises or in relation to swinging in general.

.. full article

Erotica: Confessions of a Feminist Submissive – Part 3

January 7 11

The 100% true story of my re-acquaintance with BDSM and myself.

by NovaSmut

Read Part 1 HERE

Read Part 2 HERE

At 9:42am I send this text message to C: “So, my night ended at 6am. I just woke up on the couch of a fabulous couple; she’s a pro domme who likes to get topped by her dommy bf. I don’t think you know them. (MT) brought me here last night and *everyone* did *very* dirty things to me. they want to come to the party tonight, quite desperately in fact, if that’s possible. FYI. No pressure. I will remain forever grateful for the invite last night, as well as the introduction to your British dommy lover. Great fun was had. I fucking love it here!”
C @ 9:43:I’m hungry and hungover. Those were a lot of words.”
Me @ 9:49: “Pinky quoted you last night as saying when you’re overwhelmed: ‘there’s a lot going on right now.’ Yeah me too. My head hurts. And the bottoms of my feet. I met the cane last night, for the first time. Sweet baby jesus on a stick ”
C @ 9:51: “Abundant stimulation.” And “I think I need dim sum.” And “the pillow on my head feels good.”
Me @ 9:53: “uh huh. I’m in so much pain right now but I’m ok with it. I never managed to get his number in my fits of submissive bliss; can you fwd plz? Kthxbye. Also I owe you *big* time for the intro. There was abundant chemistry, to say the least.” And “Lemme know if you do brunch and I’ll meet you. Lol @ me getting dim sum in last night’s outfit. I think I need to nap all day.”
C @ 9:56: “Yes nap. Will possibly rally. Maybe. In a minute.”
Me @ 10:01: “I need a beer and some sort of nourishment, copious amts of water, and def herb

… full article

Non-Monogamy & Feminism

January 7 11

A Happy Coupling

When I started reading about nonmonogamy, I began to realize that a lot of the appeal for me came from how closely it fell in line with my feminist beliefs. Because I've been socialized to see monogamy as the default, even within the feminist circles I've been part of, this seemed to me counterintuitive at first. But after a while, I realized that this was based on misconceptions of nonmonogamy and everything clicked in my head. There are two things in particular that helped me make this connection.
For starters, what I've heard, read, and witnessed over and over again is that nonmonogamy requires each person to be completely honest with themselves first and foremost. Each person must be open to exploring their needs, and must have a sense of what they want before taking action. So often in our society, we are expected to go along with things blindly. A set of rules exists that people hardly ever question. We are meant to follow a roadmap created centuries ago, even though the roads on that map have since changed or completely disappeared. We are led to believe that once you're committed to somebody, you've now become one. Women especially are generally expected to put themselves last. They must worry about their children husbands, parents, jobs, household chores, etc. all before thinking about themselves. As feminists, we recognize that this should not be the case. And in a nonmonogamous relationship, this can't be the case because you aren't successful unless you're navigating according to your needs and desires… full article

Non-Monogamy & Feminism

A Happy Coupling

When I started reading about nonmonogamy, I began to realize that a lot of the appeal for me came from how closely it fell in line with my feminist beliefs. Because I've been socialized to see monogamy as the default, even within the feminist circles I've been part of, this seemed to me counterintuitive at first. But after a while, I realized that this was based on misconceptions of nonmonogamy and everything clicked in my head. There are two things in particular that helped me make this connection.
For starters, what I've heard, read, and witnessed over and over again is that nonmonogamy requires each person to be completely honest with themselves first and foremost. Each person must be open to exploring their needs, and must have a sense of what they want before taking action. So often in our society, we are expected to go along with things blindly. A set of rules exists that people hardly ever question. We are meant to follow a roadmap created centuries ago, even though the roads on that map have since changed or completely disappeared. We are led to believe that once you're committed to somebody, you've now become one. Women especially are generally expected to put themselves last. They must worry about their children husbands, parents, jobs, household chores, etc. all before thinking about themselves. As feminists, we recognize that this should not be the case. And in a nonmonogamous relationship, this can't be the case because you aren't successful unless you're navigating according to your needs and desires… full article

Why We Swing

by Cooper

I’m not going to spend a whole lot of time going into philosophical reasons for swinging, or even anthropological ones (though there are many for both) in this forum, because what I’ve found is that people tend to invent the philosophical and anthropological reasoning as a way of validating their chosen lifestyle. Buncha hypocrites! So instead, I’m focused more on why WE swing, the WE being my wife and myself. And we got into it for all the wrong reasons (according to most websites and books,) because we got into the lifestyle to fix something in our marriage.

WOAH! I know, right? Never become a swinger unless your relationship is perfect because swinging will magnify all your problems and blah blah snore… I’m sure there is a lot of validity to that, I’m SURE of it. Swinging has magnified problems, but again as this is a Why WE Swing story and not a Why THEY Swing, or Why ONE Swings, I can assure you that for us, swinging was the answer to a question that had been nagging us since the beginning of our lives together some 10 years before. Why do we want to fuck other people?

And from the looks of our friends and loved ones, we were not alone in this thought. Look at sitcoms on TV if you need more proof. I don’t think there’s a “fat guy/cute wife” sitcom out there that hasn’t done the “why did you look at that other girl, does she have something I don’t” plotline at some point in its run. We’re dishonest though, as a society, because we want so desperately for this to make him “the bad guy.” But don’t worry, ‘cuz they laugh and love their way through it, mostly giving a resounding assurance that “I love you and don’t need anyone else, honey…” AWWWWW…

… full article

Neurotic Newlyweds Need Nookie

A New Study Shows, Frequent Sex Protects Neurotic People's Marital Happiness

People who are neurotic are less satisfied in romance and relationships, and when they get married they are more likely to divorce. But a new study has revealed that if neurotic newlyweds have frequent sexual relations, their marital satisfaction is every bit as high as their less neurotic counterparts.

Neuroticism is the tendency to experience negative emotion, and people who are high in it get upset and irritated easily, change their mood often, and worry frequently. High levels of neuroticism are more strongly associated with bad marital outcomes than any other personality factor," said Michelle Russell and James McNulty of the University of Tennessee, authors of the study.But sex in marriage seems to make people happy-other research has shown that sexual interactions improved the next day's mood. Russell and McNulty wanted to know if frequent sexual activity would erase the negative effects of neuroticism.

They followed 72 newlywed couples over the first four years of their marriage; both spouses reported-separately and privately-on their marital satisfaction and sexual frequency every six months… full article